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Kiwanis Clubs of Washington State
Cadettes learning to use vehicles and other objects as protection in scenarios

What to Expect

Sample Day

Our schedule is based on a 24 hour clock.


Pro Tip:

Subtract 12, to find what the time is. So if we say 1500, in your head, 15-12 is 3:00.

  • 0530:  Wakeup

  • 0600:  Gym (PT clothes)

  • 0700:  Breakfast

  • 0750:  Flag Ceremony

  • 0800-1150:  Activity Blocks (more on that below)

  • 1200-1250:  Lunch

  • 1300-1650:  Activity Blocks

  • 1700:  Dinner/Downtime

  • 2200:  Lights Out

Pro Tip!

Be capable of running 2 miles and doing 10 pushups.

Start now, so you're at the top of your game for camp!

PT and
Defensive Tactics
Bomb Squad
Dive Team
Drug & Apprehension Dogs
Emergency Vehicle Obstacle Course
Marine Enforcement

Activity Blocks

Additional activity blocks may include:

  • WSP Aviation Plane

  • Liquor and Cannabis Board

  • Mason County Jail Tour

  • Firearms Judgement Simulations

  • Judicial Procedures: Mock Trial Probable Cause

  • and more!

KYLEC Code of Conduct

As Police Officers it is important that you always conduct yourself in a professional manner. Misconduct indicates immaturity and a lack of respect for the law enforcement field. To that end, there is little tolerance for that type of behavior. To better prepare you for this Camp and a potential career in the profession the following standards will be enforced in this class.

  • Recruits will address all instructors by their rank (Corporal, Seargent, Drill Instructor, Patrol Officer, etc.).

  • Recruits shall not show willful disobedience of a lawful order, direction or regulation given by Academy Staff.

  • Recruits shall not cheat in any written examination, manipulative or physical training test session.

  • Recruits shall not practice or encourage discrimination regarding disability, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, or sexual orientation.

  • Recruits shall not display discourteous treatment of others, including the use of insulting, abrasive, or profane language.

  • Recruits shall not willfully or carelessly destroy or damage Academy property.

  • Recruits shall not chew gum or use any tobacco/vaping products.

  • Other than issued caps, recruits shall not wear any headwear and long hair must be pulled back and above the collar.

  • Recruits shall maintain good hygiene and maintain a professional appearance.

  • Recruits shall not wear any jewelry that interferes with any academy activities.

  • Recruits shall not have any electronic devices (cell phones, iPads, tablets, etc) in the classrooms or training grounds unless special circumstances exist, and permission has been granted by academy staff.

Each student is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination from the camp for an infraction of any of these standards. Discipline is at the discretion of staff and can range from push-ups to removal from the camp.

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